2023 Guest Iris Garden × Haenuli
2023 Guest Iris Garden × Haenuli
Iris Garden blossomed into a brand in the year 2021
when owner, Iris, found the time to nurture the seeds of her
creativity due to the global crisis. This drive to pursue her
vision was deeply-rooted in a dream to bring a new and
innovative side to Lolita fashion, which she had been
wanting to do since she was quite young but never had the
opportunity to do so. Her background in specialty costume
making for a living gave her the foundation to branch out
and launch Iris Garden. One day, she wants the fruits of her
brand to encompass both areas, a marriage of Lolita fashion
and Costume Making in the form of unique and creative
accessories. She wants to thank everyone for being her
friend and loving her designs!
Haenuli has been a lolita fashion designer
for 16 years, and many of her designs feature her
work as an illustrator. Her most iconic artwork is the
series showing the relationship between a girl and a
skeleton published in the book Their Story: The Story
You Don't Know. Haenuli is interested in diverse
moods and styles, going from gloomy to fairy tales,
doll creation to book design, and everything in