2024 Staff: Nat M
2024 Staff: Nat M
Name: Nat M
Role: Website (main) & Guest Relations (additional support)
Favorite Brunch Item: Omlette rice
Main J-fashion: Lolita
Other J-fashion: Cult-Party Kei
How would you describe your daily style?: Old man swagger
How did you get into J-Fashion?: Complimenting a Lolita’s outfit when i was 9! They kindly explained the fashion to me and I’ve been a fan ever since.
About me: I’m a digital creator, magazine collector, and avid library-goer! My favourite eras of lolita fashion are proto-lolita and old-school! Nothing makes me happier than seeing fellow BIPOC jfashionistas rocking their coords! I run a street snaps page on Instagram that documents alternative (and otherwise cool) fashion in Tkaronto!
Where can people follow you online? @timfartons.mag